Jasmit Singh Phulka

Brand Concept, Design + Launch 🚀

Services provided

Brand Identity / Content Writing / Graphic Design / Sponsorship Strategy / Web Design

Brand Goals

Jasmit Singh Phulka is a Canadian Olympic athlete and wrestler. His love and passion for his sport have allowed him to achieve multiple medals in international competitions across the world. Jasmit needed a website that would showcase his family history, his sporting accomplishments, his community endeavours and service, alongside a hub for his fans.


  • Powerful, distinct branding that creates a lasting impression: Jasmit’s profession requires nothing less than discipline. We ensured to reflect the legacy he’s creating for himself with a sleek, priceless, legendary look.

  • Seamless User Experience (UX) across all devices: We know Jasmit’s fans will be accessing his website across various devices – especially because one of its main functions is to be the web address for various local fundraising campaign Jasmit is a part of on an ongoing basis.

  • A brand voice that is authentic to Jasmit’s voice and story.